#1 Hack for Work-from-Home Moms

Do you work from home? Me too. Do you have kids? Me too! Are you looking for a better way to find balance in your day? (Uhhh….I am pretty sure your hand is raised).

Let me tell you about my top mom hack for getting more out of your day.

Start getting up early in the morning to get things done before your kids get up and do all the things that NEED to get done.

I’m literally my most productive between 5 and 7:30 AM. I get so much done – email, reviewing projects, sending out updates to clients, and assigning work to my team – I tackle all the essential things right away in the morning.

This means that if something happens, like one of my kids is home sick or we need to go to an appointment or I just need to get caught up on laundry, I’ve already done all the must-do things for the day, and don’t have to stress about not knowing whether there’s something I forgot to do that I absolutely needed to do.

This is also how I’m able to work from home with limited childcare. That 3 hour stretch in the morning sets the tone for the rest of my day and allows me to be flexible with my time.

If mornings aren’t your jam, then maybe you grab three hours after bedtime to wrap up your day or prepare for the next day. You could always use an email scheduling tool to schedule all your communications to go out at 8 AM the next day!