3 freelance side hustles that could replace your 9-5

Do you want to be your own boss, but don’t know where to start? I have three awesome freelance side hustles that you could turn into a full-time gig. Best of all, they’re super easy to get started!

Idea one: Become a virtual assistant

Make a list of all the administrative things you could do to take off someone’s plate to do for them. Create profiles and pitch yourself on LinkedIn and UpWork as the resource business owners need to streamline their operations and put time back in their day.

Idea two: Become a social media manager

There’s a huge need for help in managing social media for businesses – especially for small to mid-sized businesses – and if you’re skilled at creating or curating content, as well as managing online communities, this could be a great fit. There are tons of free and paid resources out there to help you do this if you don’t already know how to do it!

Idea three: Use your current role as a consulting opportunity

It’s very likely that what you do for your current employer is something that other employers are looking for. Full disclosure, you’ll want to consult your non-compete, if you have one, to make sure you are able to do this WHILE working for your current employer. That said, you can take a list of skills you do in your job everyday to create a consulting role for yourself. You could apply to jobs that are already listed on LinkedIn or you could start pitching yourself to businesses that you think have a need for the services you could provide to them.

My story:

Before I left my agency 9-5, I started a freelance writing side hustle that I was able to quickly scale by consistently applying for new work every single day. Within 3 months I completely replaced my income by working about 20 hours per week as a freelance writer. If you create and implement a strategy – and really go after your goals – you can scale quickly and find enough work to fully work for yourself!