Work from Home Business Idea: Virtual Assistant

One of the simplest ways to begin working from home is to take inventory of the administrative skills you’ve developed over the years, create a short pitch for yourself and start applying for Virtual Assistant jobs. If I were to start all over, this is EXACTLY how I would start out. Here are just some of the things you can offer as a VA, depending on your skillset and background:

  • Business admin
  • Email management
  • Travel management
  • Bookkeeping
  • Social media management
  • Scheduling
  • Website updates
  • Team management
  • Ordering / distributing swag
  • Research Projects
  • Payroll admin
  • Accounts receivable/payable
  • Tech implementation
  • CRM management
  • And so much more

Once you’ve taken stock of your skills, I recommend doing two things:

  1. Research what Virtual Assistants are charging in your area. While you can work with anyone when you work from home, the local aspect can be helpful in taking on new clients (it’s a comfort thing – you don’t actually have to go meet with people in person if you don’t want to). This will help you start identifying what you should be charging and what types of jobs you should be applying for.
  2. Set up a LinkedIn profile using our free LinkedIn checklist and start building out your connections. Your initial goal is to get to 500 connections on LinkedIn – this gives you credibility in your network.
  3. Set up an UpWork profile, add your details and pitch yourself for 5-10 VA/Admin jobs per day.

Virtual Assistants can charge anywhere from $25 to $100 per hour depending on experience and skills. This is a great way to build a side hustle that can eventually take over your full-time job, or even start bringing in income for a SAHM. Plus, it’s an excellent way to start building your skills to eventually move into a different #WFH role.

Let me know how it goe